Monday 9 September 2013

My name is Ryan Beech and I'm studying computer game design at Priestley College.

I am studying computer games design as I have an interest in playing games but I'm also interested in the development of games of like how they start with an idea or story and then how things are drawn out and developed further and then into a 3D image and then animated, so these are the sort of things I want to learn from the course and how they are done.

I've been playing games for quite a long time, ever since I was little playing consoles and now more on PCs. I am currently playing Dayz a lot at the moment as i like the survival aspect of the game, how you have to find certain gear to survive, like food, water and medical supplies and not just guns and weapons to survive from other players and zombies, this creates another aspect of the game away from the first-person or third-person shooter that the original game Arma 2 is. So the likes of finding, antibiotics, painkillers or morphine, as this adds another realistic part of the game like how you have to look after your player and keep him alive and well instead of going on the rampage and killing people. The game is where you play on an online server mainly with around 60 players in on usually a 220km squared map where you on your own basically unless you team up with someone, but with the way the game is you trust no one as you don't knows who's hostile or friendly. The map consists of a few cities, many towns and villages, docks and airfields, and a lot of woodland. But to survive you have to explore and be stealthy really, to go unnoticed but find loot and food and the same time.

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