Wednesday 8 January 2014


Film: Wall-e
Wall-e is perhaps a film intended for younger children but this film to me was the most obvious as from the few minutes and trailer I've seen the film is based upon a robot that has clean up earth from all the junk and scrap that remains. And within the film from I've seen he's just surrounded with junk and especially at the beginning when he's alone and just shoveling and crushing scrap together and moving it but also routing through it to find different things that could be possibly useful to him from all the junk of others. So from the 2 minute clip and trailer that I saw on youtube of this film he just routed through tons of junk that was their which the majority of it was useless but he filled a box full of things he selected that could be useful for him but to anyone else could be seen as junk.

Game: Minecraft:
Minecraft GuideNow for choosing a game that had some form of recycling or re usability within it I thought of minecraft as this is a game heavily made out of blocks and pixels, so when playing minecraft you go round breaking or digging blocks which at first are practically useless or not the greatest looking and then you are able to craft them into other things that look nicer and place them elsewhere and make something better or more useful for yourself. But for the recycling side of this game I thought of was that you are able to dig and move any and as many blocks as you want and place and use them elsewhere in the map or make them into something else so this is like a form of re usability of the blocks which you can use over and over or make something out of them that perhaps they aren't meant to be used for and are useful or helpful to yourself. I guess the whole objective of this game is to survive with the resources that you can find or make use of and re use and re place things in different places to help you out and the more useful and effective things are rarer within the world.

Artist: Brian Marshall:
imageThis artist was an artists that I found by just looking on the internet and this artist creates robotic sculptures with things like spoons and household materials. From the images you can see he creates his sculptures from discarded metals and materials that you would find around the house such as things like spoons, forks and pencil sharpeners and from these materials he creates little robotic sculptures by using obviously disused household items or others junk and is able to then create these figures. But as you'd think with recycling and re using instead of making something useful or helpful out of disused pieces of things instead he creates little bot figures that are like ornaments.

Book: Stig of the Dump:
Again this something aimed at younger children but this book is about Stig who is essentially a caveman and lives at the bottom of a pit close to the other characters Barney, grandparent's house and as the pit is no longer used, people throw all their junk and scrap away down in the pit and Barney manages to fall down this pit and discovers Stig who has made this den at the bottom of this pit from all the bits of junk, scrap and pieces that people throw down there and is obviously not wanted by these people but is essentially treasure for Stig who has made a den from all the junk that has been thrown over.

Illustration: Andres Guzmann:
This was a piece that I found purely on google images by just searching recycling illustration and there were lots of results but I felt this one demonstrated recycling the best as it's done circular it shows how the way things go in a cycle so as this one shows how apples growing on trees, us picking them off and eating and then putting them away to decompose and then from them decomposing the nutrients back in the soil for another plant or tree to grow using what decomposed from something that went in the same cycle.

Animation: Recycle Animation:
This was a stop motion animation that I found on youtube wasn't very long or detailed it just shown different items being crushed and transformed into something else. and on this video it shows how the simplest thing like a can, can be crushed, recycled and re used into something more complicated and clever like shown on the animation like a computer. So in this animation it shows how things can be re used and recycled over and over into loads of different things.

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